left to finish an Ironman.
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Time for new shoes..

I officially hit 485 miles on my Nike Air Spans, so, much like the oil in my car, I am overdue for a change. I will have to go a-lookin', see what I can find.

I've been hitting my training schedule - 4, 4, 8 this week. All have been a nice gentle pace, but today, nice and gentle still got me 10:36 for the 8.44 miles. I think that's pretty good.

Just checked the Disney Marathon - 85% full. I need to get signed up. Gotta go see Heather and Ally!


  1. Wow.. Under 11, so good ! =D
    And you're hot too !

  2. Isn't it great when nice & gentle isn't also a snail's pace?




Beginner Triathlete

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