left to finish an Ironman.
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Green Mountain Training Begins!

Ten weeks from today, I will be running the Green Mountain marathon in South Hero, VT. Why did I pick this race? October in Vermont! Running through the colorful leaves! Oh yeah, and visiting someone I have missed.

Yesterday, I started the training plan I set up with a quick 4 miles. I still have a little soreness in my left calf, as always, so was hoping to give it some time to heal before stressing it out too much. I'll try an 8 miler tomorrow.

Basically, I am going to keep the same structure as my previous training, with a little variation to help improve my speed, I hope:

Mondays: Rest
Tuesday: Shorter Run
Wednesday: Weight Training & Bike
Thursday: Tempo Run
Friday: Weight Training & Bike
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Long Run

I know I have to get back to eating right. I have really fallen off that wagon, and it's starting to show. I'd like to think I could get another 10 off in the next 10 weeks, but that goal hasn't been working so far.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this marathon sounds gorgeous! If I ever don't run NYC, the Green Mountain would definitely be on my list. I ran the Green Mountain Relay earlier this year and it was stupendous, so green and scenic, with farmland everywhere.




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