left to finish an Ironman.
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Thursday, May 15, 2008

9 & 9 Heatwave!

Nine on Tuesday and Nine on Thursday - Complete!

I am having that amazing feeling of post-run, but I have to admit tonight the last couple miles was pretty tough. Of course, I was doing it from 8:30 to 10:15 pm, and when I got home it was still 88 degrees. I guess that might have had something to do with it. I waited until it got down to 95 before I actually headed out.

Thursday's run went better except I took a wrong turn and ended up wandering through these neighborhoods until I found a road I knew. I still ended up at the full 9 miles, but I thought I had shortcutted back.

Looks like I am officially logged in the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon two weeks out from the San Francisco Marathon. I paid my $75 entry fee, sent in my form very late, but got back a confirmation today. I am excited to do it, but not so excited that it is so close. Oh well, I will have to adjust that week. I will also have to drop out of Avenue of the Vines, since I don't have another $62 to give right at the moment.

I've got to adjust my training schedule some over the next couple of weeks, since I'll be on vacation. I don't want to lose my stuff. I am going to do 20 miles in Vermont (thinking of doing a tour around all of the places I lived while in Burlington, and asking my buddy Erin to go with me), and two runs during the week while on vacation - one in Amsterdam and one in Rome, 3 - 5 miles each. That will be amazing. Can't wait.


  1. Amsterdam and Rome? Whoa! This vacation sounds awesome!!!

  2. Amsterdam and Rome? Whoa! This vacation sounds awesome!!!




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